MSHS Band Booster Meeting Minutes for
March 10, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Booster President Rebecca East.
The reading of the minutes from the February 3, 2020 meeting was suspended, and everyone was given a copy of the minutes to read. The minutes were approved by Tiana Brooks and seconded by Michelle Bannister.
Treasurer Report: Kristi Clark
We have a balance of $49, 125.85. We made around $6,000 from the Little Miss Trojan Pageant. The report was approved by Jennifer Butler and seconded by Phillip McAfee.
President Report: Rebecca East
Dinner with the Band is Tuesday night. Tickets are $5.00 each. We will have pizza from Pie Factory and drinks and dessert pizza. We will ice down the drinks around 3:30 that afternoon. If you can help with the drinks let Tiana Brooks know. Money for the tickets is due Thursday. We have to get a count to the Pie Factory. Please send this money to Mr. Waters.
Upcoming Events:
- April 7 is our next booster meeting. We will be electing new officers at this meeting. If you are interested in being an officer contact Rebecca East or Melissa Medlin and speak with them.
- April 21 is our spring concert
- May 12 is our Band Banquet. It will be held at Grace Life Church.
Mr. Waters:
- MPA-We were judged in 7 categories and could receive up to 5 points in each category. We received all 5’s in all categories in both bands. Great job!!
- Mattress Sale-We held this sale from 11:00-5:00 and we sold 42 mattresses. We made a profit of $7,535.00.
- Shoals Area Honor Band is this weekend. We will be hosting it, but we will not have to work it. The concert is 3:00 on Saturday. Nathan Haskew, Keith Anderson, and Pat Stegall will be conducting bands.
- Dinner with the Band will be Tuesday night. We will start in the cafeteria. Several bands will be playing dinner music while you eat. We will then move to the bandroom and listen to the woodwinds and brass. After that we will head to the auditorium to hear the jazz band. We will end in the gym listening to the percussion ensemble and watching the winterguard. This should last around an hour and a half.
- Spring Break is March 23-27.
- Please attend the booster meeting in April. Think about signing up to serve as an officer or committee head.
Tiana Brooks passed out door prizes.
Rebecca East adjourned the meeting at 7:32. This was approved by Melissa