For the high school parents
Good afternoon everyone. I hope this finds you doing well. I want to talk to you about a matter of great concern. It is about parent involvement and volunteering to help our band program as parents. Our program, as great as it is, is almost completely self supportive. The school helps where it can, but […]
Message to high school parents who pick their students up after school
Lately, due to the lack of library parking, traffic at 3:15 at the front of school has been pretty bad, almost dangerous due to the long line into Avalon avenue. To help, we would like to ask band parents a favor. This isn’t a band problem, but the band could be a solution. We would […]
From the Podium August 12-16
This week is our first show week! We will perform Thursday night at meet the Trojans in our home stadium. We are looking forward to showing what we have learned so far. This week is a normal rehearsal week except for Thursday of course. Monday and Tuesday call for hot temps. Staff is aware and […]
Dear leadership team,
Unfortunately we will need to postpone our top golf trip to next Friday. I am currently at ECM emergency room with back issues. I will not be able to travel today. I am very sorry.
All Muscle Shoals Band Parents
We have many students who are still missing their medical and field trip forms. Remember, those forms can be found by clicking resources, then forms on this website. There you will find one google form with everything you need to complete. Each band student, grades 6-12, must have these forms completed. If you have not […]
From the Podium, August 5-9
This week is our first week of regular rehearsal schedule. After school rehearsals consist of Tuesday 5:30-8 and Thursday 3:30-4:30. We obviously rehearse every day 4th block. Reminder, water bottles and proper rehearsal clothing is needed every day. From this point forward, all rehearsals take place outside except for inclement weather days. Band shoes will […]
Good morning everyone. All parents are invited to our first booster meeting of the year. The general meeting is at 7pm. Executive meeting is at 6pm. The meeting will take place in the band room.
T-shirt pricing update
Parents/Boosters…The prices for the show shirts will be $12 S-XL, $14 2xl and up. Come to the meeting Monday at 7pm to order/pay to get yours!!! You’ll be glad you did 😊
MSHS: Charms Access Info
To enter your Charms account for the first time, please follow this process: (I am still entering 6th grade students. They will be entered by this evening) Click Charms tab under resources on Click Login Click Parents/Students/Members Type muscleshoalsband into the school code area Your student’s password is their first and last name, all […]
Friday MSHS band information
Today is a retake picture day due to camera malfunctions. I did find out that Majorettes, Colorgaurd and Tuba pictures were ok and those students will actually not have to take pictures. We will need seniors in those three groups however to take our senior picture. Hopefully this gets done quickly. I received an updated […]