Progress Reports

On progress reports, band grades read as incomplete. This is not accurate. All band students have a score of 100.

UNA band extravaganza!

Here is the UNA band extravaganza information. Students interested should read the material and follow the directions. Remember, this is not a MSHS band event, but something students and parents do on their own. It’s a great time had by all who go!

Band Member Praise time

There are a couple things I want to praise the band members about. Band room upkeep: The band room and surrounding areas have never looked better. After the away game Friday, the room was clean, the percussionist put their instruments together and were ready for rehearsal Tuesday, all in all it was a job really […]

Homecoming week

Good morning everyone. Here is our weekly schedule for homecoming week again Wednesday: short 3:30-3:50 rehearsal with homecoming court Thursday, no after school 3:30-4:30, 6:30 homecoming pep rally call, 7:00 pep rally Friday, school dismiss at 1:00, parade call 2:30 in band room, 3:00 parade, 5:30 call for game in band room, 6:15 walk to […]

For your planning next week, homecoming week

Next week is the MSHS homecoming week. This particular week is filled with extra activities which does include the band. Monday is Labor Day – no school Tuesday is a normal day Wednesday, we will stay for 30 minutes after school to practice with the homecoming court. Students will be done no later than 4:oopm. […]


The fundraising has begun, and will continue for 28 days. Please help us raise as much money as possible by inputting emails and advertising as much as possible. Our day one totals are just incredible already with $5,280!! Remember our band goal is $30,000!!!!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!! Parents and students, a reminder about rehearsals. […]

Band Fees, please pay asap

Good afternoon band parents. Our fiscal year is coming to a close the end of September Any business person understands this is always a stressful time when trying to make the books balance. It is not different for band directors and booster presidents. Upon looking into our marching band fees, we came up with this […]


Good morning MSHS band program. I hope you had a great weekend. I want to start with a big THANK YOU to Ann Wilson and all the parents who helped with concession stands Thursday night at the game as well as Saturday and last Saturday ballgame. Your hard work does not go unnoticed. We have […]

MSHS: Part 3 Hornline

Click the link to download part 3. Happy practicing 🙂