Facebook live today at noon

Mr Waters will go LIVE on our band Facebook today to discuss our future plans for the 2020-2021 school year for the marching band. After the live feed the schedule will be posted on our website as well. Tune in today at noon on our high school Facebook page ; 2019-2020 Muscle Shoals High School […]

Facebook live noon tomorrow

Tuesday May 5 At 12:00 noon Mr Waters will go live on our band Facebook page to give out important information regarding our summer and fall. Including dates for events. Please join us live at noon tomorrow on the band Facebook page. Search Facebook for 2019-2020 muscle shoals high school band program

Good evening band faMily

Big announcements coming Tuesday Of next week; including Covid 19 news and how it relates to us and our future audition dates and time for winds percussion and guard 2021 band camp dates plan A B and C 🙂 summer rehearsal plans and posibilities roll out date for audition material I hope to see all […]

HAPPY 4th…..week of quarentine.

Good morning MSHS and middle school band folks. Mr. Waters here with some announcements and band news. In normal conditions, we would be preparing for Alabama All State this weekend. What a great loss for those students who earned a position. Other things have been on my mind that we are missing……Spring concerts, middle school […]

Mallet delivery tomorrow

Percussion, if you ha ent already please send me your address. Keyboards coming before lunch dwaters@mscs.k12.al.us

join meet now

To join the video meeting, click this link: https://meet.google.com/amc-acce-rvx

Cavaliers 2003 spin cycle, our topic tonight at 7:30pm google meet!

Ok, here is the link to the cavies show SPIN CYCLE from 2003. Watch and let’s discuss the following few topics 1: what were your favorite moments? 2: did you see the ideas of Spin? Hence the show name? 3: their marching style is different than ours, how? 4: This show was conceived and written […]

MSMS: Hyperdoc

Greetings! The link below will lead you to the MSMS Band Hyperdoc. This document is full of activities and lessons from us to you. Go to the doc view your weekly assignments, learn new concepts, increase your individual musicianship, see our faces, and get those instruments into your hands. Start by clicking the “Start by […]

Muscle Shoals High School Virtual Majorette Auditions

Muscle Shoals High School 2020 VIRTUAL Majorette Auditions This letter will explain the process for this year’s majorette auditions and answer frequently asked questions about being a majorette at Muscle Shoals High School. The very first thing you need to do is email Mrs. Jessica Hood (jhood@mscs.k12.al.us) and give the following information: Auditionee Name, Current […]

MSHS: The HyperDoc has arrived!

Good morning, everyone, Best of luck as you begin your distance learning journey today. Take it one step at a time, and let us know if we can help you in any way. The link below will lead you to the MSHS Band Hyperdoc. This document is full of activities and lessons from us to […]