parents, I wanted to give you plenty of notice and add a rehearsal. I would like to add a rehearsal to our schedule. TUESDAY NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 15 5:30-8:00 on our band practice field Rational for added rehearsal: Our rehearsal schedule has been greatly altered by protocols and a late start, and mostly by losing band […]
Loading crew info
Loading crew students, meet me by the lower concession stand ramp gates around 3:30ish. We will unload the band truck and set up our chairs and drum stands. We also will help unload a few Pepsi products into concession stand. Will be done by 4:00. thank you
Been a long time coning……
A gift to the band, looking sharp for game night
Thank you William Rushing and the Woodward Ave Baptist Church for your generosity. These gaitors will look fantastic on our kids come game night!!!
Snapraise updates!
Keep up the good work! 300 donations. Let’s try to get 500 at the halfway point! We can do it!
Students needed to help tomorrow night in concessions
Students, we need your help tomorrow night in the concessions stand. If you can help, please let me know. Thanks
MSHS: Loading Crew Interest Form
Parents we need your help!
Please open this link and help us out. We are in need of workers. Thank you!
Snapraise update!
Donations totals over $15,000 today. A wonderful amount considering only 260 donations. Let’s aim for 500 donations folks. Look at the email donations, that is the key. we have many who have not yet received a single donation. Let’s make that our goal by Friday. All members with at least 1 donation! Great work so […]
Parents please read
The school has implemented a policy due to Covid restrictions and protocols that items students forget at home will not be allowed to be brought to them during the school day. If students forget their instrument, water, etc at home then we will just have to deal with it that day. Students, do not forget […]