7am call in the morning (Monday)

MSHS marching band performance for teacher in service, (not including the pit). Wearing uniforms, done by 8:30am. Wear shorts and T-shirt under uniform

1st Band Booster Meeting Tuesday Aug 10

We are excited to invite you to the first MSHS band booster meeting for the 2021-2022 school year! Please join us in the high school cafeteria at 7:30 pm on Tuesday August 10 for some important information and ICE CREAM! The cafeteria is on your left as you come in the main entrance. Thats right! […]

MONDAY MORNING PERFORMANCE August 2nd for teacher in-service

The marching band will be performing for the teachers first in service of the year. The school system calls that day “institute” The band has been asked to perform for the all the staff in attendance. It is a big day for the school system and we are excited to be able to inject some […]

Happy Sunday, and band camp week #2 eve

Week two begins tomorrow at 8am. We are halfway to the best day of early season band……the end of band camp 🙂 This week similarities: The schedule is exactly the same for the week adding pictures on Thursday 3:00pm. Obviously, no balloon fight. Differences: Much more time focused outside learning drill, less music focus, MUCH […]

Week 1 in the books

I first want to thank the following people: The band parents and boosters who took care of our kids at lunch this week. Lunch time was always taken care of and went without a hitch. Thank you Our Lunch Sponsors for week 1. Grace Life Church 2. Ricks Produce and 3. Alabama Bliss Parents please […]

Tomorrow, main band hallway red lockers will be available

The 50 red lockers in the main band hallway are going to be available tomorrow immediately after rehearsal with the administrators. Any senior band member will get first choice, then juniors, and so on. Usually most lockers are taken about the time we get t o sophomores. If you want a locker, be prepared with […]


Words from your directors: It is Saturday morning before band camp 2021. In the past two days we have camped with our student leadership team, we have had our final summer band rehearsal, we had great fellowship at our freshman fish fry, and had several band dads work this morning cleaning our our pit cave. […]

Clarification on earlier fish fry post

Please note “incoming” refers to all parents of band students entering the 9th and 10th grade this fall. *** 10th grade parents, this does not just refer to new students – if your student was in the band program last fall, please feel free to join us. We were unable to host you all last […]