Tuesday night MOVED TO THURSDAY NIGHT reeharsal Due to alot of wet weather expect between now and Wednesday morning, I have decided to move our Tuesday night rehearsal to Thursday night. I realize the inconvenience this will be on some to change work schedule, but I promise this will not happen again the rest of […]

Athens Game information, no uniforms!

Good evening band faMily. Watching the weather, it looks to be a very wet evening. We will not wear our traditional band uniforms =, but rather our black band polo shirts along with khaki shorts or blue jeans. Please wear nice shorts or jeans not gym shorts. Majorettes will be receiving their traditional unioorms tomorrow […]

TVI Booster Meeting

Good evening! First of all, THANK YOU to all the parents who came to our meeting last night! We had a great turnout, and we have a great start to our sign up lists for TVI needs! Next, I would like to take a minute to let you know that we have been known as […]

Nice turn around students

25 sets in one day, actually by 7:00, marching it all to the midi file. I don’t think we have ever done that actually. Let’s keep moving forward trojan band.

To the students

I don’t often post anything that could be considered negative, and I certainly don’t want to air out any dirty laundry. But todays rehearsal (the band staring into the headlights of an oncoming contest next week) was incredibly weak and without energy. We learned 11 sets when we needed to learn 15 or 16. Rain […]

Important Booster Meeting Tonight!

We will be meeting in the high school cafeteria at 7:15pm. This is a very important meeting as we begin planning our 29th Annual Tenneessee Valley Invitational Marching Competition. Please make plans to be there! We will also have extra show shirts available to sell. Our 1st competition is next Saturday so be sure you […]

From the Podium, 9/13

Good morning band faMily. I hope your weekend was restful. This week the band travels to Athens Friday night. A great stadium and fans who understand band. They will appreciate what we do and I look forward to performing for them. Our schedule will be the same as other away games. Load at 2:45, depart […]


We have never been more successful at any fundraiser we have ever done. Congratulations band and thank you to everyone who donated and shared the fundraiser. Our final online donation count ended up being $31,500. However, we have also received donations to our fundraiser NOT through our online app but sent to brought to us […]

Russellville Contest, September 25

This will be the first contest this program, or any program, has attended in two years. I don’t know if I should be excited or anxious. Either way, it’s going to happen and it’s going to be a good night for bands all across our state. I spoke to directors at Russellville and got an […]