From the Podium: 3/17-3/30

Good afternoon from the band room! I hope everyone fared well with the flooding and storms that passed through this weekend. We have an exciting 2 weeks in the band room. Whether you are going to Hawaii or not, Spring Break is right around the corner! We hope you have a good break resting and […]

Hawaii Update: 3/14/25 – 5 days to Paradise!

This trip has been 5 years in the making, and I am so excited to see it come to fruition! Please read this in its entirety, so you will know exactly what to expect next week! Departure Day Protocol/Final Reminders:-Please make sure to find your parking spot before our departure day, to make the morning […]

From the Podium: 3/9-3/15

Happy Sunday from the band room! We had a great week from Music Performance Assessment to Shoals Area Honor Band! Countdown is 10 days to Hawaii! I’m getting really excited! Congratulations to the Muscle Shoals High School Concert Band on receiving straight superior ratings at this year’s Alabama Bandmasters Association Music Performance Assessment. I was […]

From the Podium: 3/2-3/8

Happy Sunday from the band room! Another big week this week! I’m so proud of the progress the students have made on their Music Performance Assessment program. Wednesday is going to be a great day, and I hope many parents are able to attend and listen to them make beautiful music! Our Winter Guard and […]

Hawaii Update: 2/26 (3 more weeks to Paradise!)

Most of this info was passed out during the last Hawaii meeting, but I wanted to make sure it was all in one place electronically. Reminder: MANDATORY HAWAII MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 11th. Hawaii MSHS Parking: If you plan to leaves vehicles at MSHS while we are in Hawaii and you do not already have a […]

From the Podium: 2/23-3/1

Good morning from the band room! Thank you to everyone involved in helping to make this weekend’s pageants a success! AND congratulations to all who had the courage to participate. It takes grit to put yourself out there, and I’m so proud of you all. I have received so many compliments on how things were […]

From the Podium: 2/18-2/22

Good evening, from the band room! Ours thoughts are with all families who were affected by the severe weather on Saturday evening. Thank you to everyone who has pitched in to help our fellow band families. A big thank you to David Waters, Terry Pearson, and all others involved in helping us take care of […]

All-State Band Info

Good morning, Now that the official All-State Schedule has been published, I can share the Muscle Shoals All-State Band Schedule with you all. This is for students that auditioned for and made the Alabama All-State bands. This is a school activity field trip, in which students will ride the bus and stay in student rooms […]

From the Podium: 2/10-2/15

Happy Sunday from the band room! We have a great weekend full of band for many of our students at Alabama Honor Band and Alabama District III Honor Band! I’m so proud of our students for their efforts to improve their musicianship and to have fun. Mindset is everything. It’s the most important fundamental of […]