Good morning band family.
Saturday morning at 7:30am, I will need all volunteers to assemble in the cafeteria for registration and runner training. Parents and students who volunteered (not students auditioning, this doesn’t count you), I will need you to be in the cafeteria promptly at 7:30am. This training is VERY IMPORTANT. If you miss the training you will miss vital information regarding what you do. Mistakes at all state audition are very costly to both our district AND the students auditioning. There can be no mistakes. The day has to be done correctly. Imagine a students auditioning and the gets the wrong score……. NO MISTAKES!
Today, after school I will take any student who will volunteer to help us set up all the audition rooms, hang signs on doors and hallways, set up library for meetings and hospitality, and get the cafeteria prepared for registration. The District chairman and vice chair will be here to set up and so forth.
Students who are auditioning for all state, after your audition we ask that you stay and help us gather up everything after auditions. Stands, chairs, and put rooms back together as we found them.
Students who are auditioning, remember you MUST HAVE THE BOOKS at registration. Mr. Seay and I will have those books so find us in the cafeteria before you register to get the book please.
Finally, good luck to everyone. This is a big deal and we are so proud you made the decision to audition for the state’s most important individual achievement in band. Relax, and stop worrying about the results. Just give yourself the best chance to do your best by not stressing out.
7:30am training, see you then