From the Podium: 2/3-2/8

Good morning from the band room! We hope you are staying well with all of the sickness going around. We have another busy week in the band room!

Week At A Glance:
Monday 2/3 – 4th Block Rehearsal, Winter Guard 5:15-8:15
Tuesday 2/4 – 7:15 Jazz Band, 4th Block Rehearsal, Shoals Area Honor Band Auditions
Wednesday 2/5 – 4th Block Rehearsal, Strawberry Orders and Money Due
Thursday 2/6 – 7:15 Jazz Band, 4th Block Rehearsal, Percussion Ensemble 3:30-4:30, 5:15-8:15 Winter Guard
Friday 2/7 – District Honor Band (22 students attending), 4th Block Rehearsal
Saturday 2/8 – District Honor Band

Shoals Area Honor Band Auditions

Students auditioning for Shoals Area Honor should bring their instruments and audition materials home with them after school on Tuesday. Auditions will take place at Muscle Shoals Middle School. We recommend students arrive at MSMS no later than 4:30 and get in line no later than 5. Warm-up is in the commons and audition rooms will have their instrument posted outside the door. Auditions are first come first serve and some sections typically do not finish until 8PM. If you want to get out early, get in line early!

District Honor Band
