Info for the Week 9/30 through 10/4

Good afternoon MSMS Band!

Here’s your info for the week:

Band Night is Friday, October 4!

Our 7th and 8th grade band members get to perform with the MSHS Trojan Marching Band at the Athens football game on Friday, October 4! Those band members need to report to the MSMS band room at 5:30 p.m They will need to wear their Black MSMS Band Shirt and have their instrument & music. We will walk them over to meet the high school band at the gate to the stadium. We will all march into the stands around 6:10 p.m. We will be sitting on the visitor side. The game begins at 7:00 p.m.

The Middle School Color Guard will perform with the High School Color Guard on the field before the game. The combined middle and high school bands will provide the music for the guard groups. All told, we should have close to a combined (middle and high school) 260 band and color guard students in the stands Friday night!

After halftime, we will walk the middle school students back to the band room for parents to the pick them up. This should be around 8:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. For safety reasons, students will not be able to roam around the stadium after halftime, unless they are checked out by a parent first.

This is ALWAYS a fun event for our 7th and 8th grade band members! The high school members love it when they get to spend some time with the middle school band kids. It gives the middle school kids something to look forward to in high school! We look forward to this night every fall.

There is no charge for the students to go to the game. If parents would like to come, they will need a ticket.

You can purchase those here:

Jazz Band Sign Ups begin this week

The sign up sheet will be posted on the back wall of the band room. Interested students will need to put their name and instrument on the sign up sheet. Jazz Band rehearses in the mornings before school. A start date will be announced next week.

Fundraiser Items

We are being told that the Fundraiser Items are tentatively scheduled to ship around the last week of October. Once I know an exact date, I will be sure to pass that info on to all of you.

Concert Attire for 7th & 8th Grade

Please check previous posts for this. The 7th and 8th graders will need these items for their Veteran’s Day Concert on November 4.

Upcoming Calendar of Events

October 4 – BAND NIGHT! (for 7th and 8th grade band members)

October 14-15 – Fall Break

October 19 – Tennessee Valley Marching Invitational @ James F. Moore Stadium (Marching Band Contest that we host here at Muscle Shoals)

November 4 – Veteran’s Day Concert for ALL groups @ Muscle Shoals High School (6th, 7th, & 8th Grades)

December 12 – Christmas Concert for ALL groups @ Muscle Shoals High School (6th, 7th, & 8th Grades)

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Go Band and Go Trojans!

Seay you all Monday!
