Info for the Week 9/2 through 9/6

Hello MSMS Band!

Here’s your info for the week:

Next Pep Band Performance is Tuesday, September 3

Our next MSMS Football game is this Tuesday, September 3. We will need the 7th and 8th grade students to be in the Middle School band room by 4:45 p.m. All students will need to go home after school. The band room will not be open until 4:30 p.m. The kids will need to eat something before they come to the game. We will provide plenty of water for them to drink.

They will need the following:


Lyre and Flipfolder with music

MSMS Band T shirt (shorts or jeans would be fine)

We will move into the stadium around 5:15 p.m. and be set by 5:30 p.m. There will be two games. We will stay through halftime of the second game. The band will play at halftime of both the 7th and 8th grade games. The second game is scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. After halftime of the second game, we will take the kids back to the Middle School Band room and then they can be released to their parents. Parents, please be ready to pick your kids up at 8:00 p.m. It may be a few minutes before or after depending on the length of the games.

Here is a link where you can buy your tickets to the game online:

The weather looks a LOT nicer this coming week compared to this past week!

Final Week of Selling for our Fall Fundraiser

This coming week is also our final week for the Fall Fundraiser for the Middle School Band. We will collect forms and money beginning Monday, September 9. We ask that each family do their best to sell 10 items. Thank you all for your help in this endeavor!

Homecoming Parade

The 2024 Homecoming Parade is scheduled for Friday, September 6. This will include the 8th grade band members (and a few 7th graders to help fill out some of the sections) as well as all the Middle School Color Guard Members. Here’s the schedule for that day:

Parade Band members will need to be in the middle school band room at 1:45 p.m. They need to be wearing their black MSMS Band T- Shirt. They may stay after school in the band room. Early dismissal from school that day is 1:15 p.m.

We will move out to the tractor trailer in the parking lot shortly after 1:45 p.m.. The kids will be seated in chairs on the flatbed trailer. The parade will begin at 3:00 p.m. The parade route will go down Avalon Ave to the Police Station. The trailer will then turn left onto Gusmus, and then left onto Richton to take us back to the middle school.

We will unload the trailer in the front of the middle school. We will also need some help getting the chairs off the trailer once we finish. Thank you!

We should be back to the middle school around 3:30-3:45 p.m.

Percussion Parking Lot Preview

The Muscle Shoals Band Program will be hosting the Annual “Parking Lot Preview” at the MSHS Band practice field the afternoon/evening of Monday, September 9. Our 7th and 8th Grade Percussion students will be participating in this event. Dr. Frederick will be giving the percussion students more detailed info this coming week concerning the “Parking Lot Preview”. This is always a highlight of the year for our percussion program here at Muscle Shoals. Drum lines from all over the area will be here on our campus to play their music, warm-ups, and cadences. Always a lot of fun!

First Pep Band Performance went Very Well!!

Here’s a few pics from the game this past Thursday. Kids did a very nice job!

6th Grade Members Start Pass off “Karate”

Our 6th grade band members received their MSMS Band “Karate” Pass off Sheets in class on Friday. This is our way of assessing our beginners on an individual level. Kids may work ahead on their pass off sheets if they so choose. I encourage all our 6th graders to come to the band room before school each morning to practice and pass off with one of the directors! Our first “belt ceremony” will be happening very soon!

Upcoming Calendar of Events

September 3 – MSMS Home Football Game

September 6 – Homecoming Parade

September 9 – Percussion Parking Lot Preview

September 9 – Fundraiser Order Forms and Money is due

September 19 – MSMS Home Football Game

September 26 – MSMS Home Football Game

October 4 – BAND NIGHT! (for 7th and 8th grade band members)

I hope everyone enjoys the weekend.

We will Seay everyone on Tuesday!
