From the Podium: 8/19-8/24

Happy Sunday, from the band room! We had a great week of rehearsal last week as we prepare for our first performance this Thursday! Friday was definitely the hottest rehearsal of the year, but you pushed through, and I am proud of you all. Sickness is going around, just like it does at the beginning of every school. Stay healthy and wash your hands!

Week At A Glance:
Monday 8/19 – 4th Block Rehearsal
Tuesday 8/20 – 4th Block Rehearsal, 5:30-8
Wednesday 8/21 – 4th Block Rehearsal, Load Truck/Trailer After School (students should prepare to stay after school until loading is completed), Tusk Pep band rehearsal with FHS 4:30-5:30 (these students will load their instruments after this rehearsal)
Thursday 8/22 – Gadsden City Game (full schedule below)
Friday 8/23 – Auxiliary Bake Sale, 4th Block Rehearsal
Saturday 8/24 – Tusk Pep Band Dress Rehearsal and Performance (full schedule below)

It’s a show week! This will be the first time many people see our show. This is a jumping off point, as not all the props will be completed, and the show will not be completed. We hope you enjoy catching the changes and additions week to week!

Gadsden City Game:
1:35PM – Students come to 4th Block
1:45 – Load Buses
1:50 – Depart for Gadsden
3:15 – Stop in Cullman to eat
4:30 – Load Buses/Depart for Gadsden City High School
6:00 – Arrive at GCHS/Unload
7:00 – Kick-Off
~8:15 – Halftime
~10:00 – Game Ends/Load
~10:45 – Depart for MSHS
~1:15AM – Arrive at MSHS/Unload/Clean Band Room
~Times are Approximate depending on the length of the game.
*Auxiliaries will change into football uniforms when we arrive at Gadsden City. All other band members will wear their black show shirt, black athletic shorts, and tennis shoes. Sunglasses are permitted but should be taken off for halftime, but no hats should be worn to the game. Make sure to bring money for our stop in Cullman. Students will not be visiting concessions during the game. Please plan to bring bus snacks! Parents will be allowed to bring students food items in the stands during the game.

Tusk Pep Band:
Saturday, August 24th
*Students should take their instrument and full uniform/shako/plume home on Friday
3:30PM – Meet at Shoals Theater on Mobile Street in Florence
4 – Dress Rehearsal with full pep band and studio musicians
5 – Dress Rehearsal Ends
8:30 – Meet to eat pizza
9:30ish – We close the concert, so we will be on standby for when our song is about to begin!

SnapRaise is off to a great start! As of this morning, we have raised $10, 317! Please share our Snap campaign on social media if you have not already done so. Our campaign lasts all month because different patrons get paid at various times during the month. We will be pushing this fundraiser hard all month! Student AND parent participation is key.

Fees Reminder:
Auxiliairies-Your first payment is due.
Instrumentalists-Marching Band Fee is $375 and should be paid by 9/1. Shoes can also be paid on MySchoolBucks.

Fees paid in full:

Fees paid in payments/shoes/miscellaneous fees:

Volunteers needed: Our first home game on 8/30 will be here before we know it. This game is against Florence, and also Senior Night. Our Senior parents will not be able to help in concessions, so we are counting on our other parents to get ALL the spots filled. This will be one of our most crowded games all seasons. Sign up to help here:

Upcoming Events:
8/22 – Gadsden City Game
8/24 – Benefit Concert Pep Band Performance
8/30 – Florence Game/Senior Night
9/2 – Labor Day, no school
9/4 – Short Homecoming Practice After School
9/5 – Homecoming Evening Pep Rally
9/6 – Homecoming Parade/Homecoming Game
9/9 – Percussion Preview
9/13 – Decatur Game
9/14 – Ford Drive One Fundraiser for new Uniforms
9/20 – Cullman Game
9/21 – Bob Jones Competition
9/27 – Friday Night Rehearsal
