Florence Game Tomorrow!

Good morning, band faMily,

We need more parents to sign up for concessions for tomorrow night. This will be a big game against Florence, and it will be senior night. Both stands will need full volunteers to run successfully. It takes everyone doing their part to make the MSBand so successful. Thank you in advance.

Sign up here: https://volunteersignup.org/TDEB4

Senior Night Information:

Senior night recognition takes place before the game begins this Friday evening. We will be performing our normal halftime show during halftime. Parents/guardians escort their seniors onto the field. Parents/guardians, please meet underneath the score board at 6:15 to be lined up. The order is alphabetical by last name: Taelor Armstead, Lily Austin, Josh Banister, Eli Bell, Aaron Boatwright, Turner Brook, Lauren Butte, Lindsey Conner, Riley Davis, McCrae Everitt, Ke’Asia Freeman, Elizabeth Gautney, Sammi Goodwin, Morgan Hodges, Carter Hollis, Justin Hunt, Lydia James, Abby McAfee, Katie McCarthy, Chandler Myhan, Allison Osborn, Darby Parker, Will Phillips, Lauren Pilcher, Connor Porter, Lillie Kate Swinney, Emma Thomas, Lexi Thompson, Peyton Uhlman, Henry Waldrop, Caroline Wood, Anna Grace Yarber. The order of seniors is football, band, then cheer.

Parents/guardians are not required to purchase a ticket if they plan to leave the game right after senior night recognition. You will need to purchase a ticket if you plan to stay to watch the game.
