I wanted to revisit our schedule for Saturday.
- Loading buses in uniform, you may bring clothes to change into after contest 2. You need money for two meal
CHECK OUT POLICY REVISITED: Students may check out after the award ceremony on Saturday. Only parents may check students out as required by the Muscle Shoals School Board Policy.
Black band shirt for Saturday (Friday night is show shirt, or something similar)
Franklin High School “SONIC BOOM” Competition
MSHS band schedule
After home game, load truck and trailer with all equipment
11:30 school opens, uniform dress
12:15 depart MSHS
3:30 arrive at Cool Spring mall
4:30 depart Cool Springs mall
5:00 arrive, unload
6:15 warm up
7:15pm performance, load
8:30 concessions for dinner
9:30 awards, drum major only retreat
10:00 load, depart
12:30 arrive home, unload