Show shirts/Polos Are In!

Good evening!

If you placed an order online or ordered at the booster meeting, we will have your show shirts and polos at the lower concession stand tomorrow evening at the MSMS football game. Games are at 5:00pm and 6:30pm. We will be available to hand these out from 5:00pm until 7:45pm. Please come to the side door (outside of the gate) to collect your shirts. We will also have blankets and caps for those who may have ordered online or for anyone who would like to buy one. We did order just a few extra show shirts. Please reach out to me at 256-483-9097 if you would like to buy one of the extras.

I would also like to express my gratitude for every parent and alumni that worked last Thursday night!

Thankfully, the rain cleared out, and both concession stands were booming!! What a great start to the season! It was a very successful night, and we could not have accomplished it without your help!

Our next Varsity home game will be Homecoming on Sept 10. We have a few worker slots open if you are interested in helping. Please remember we need each band student represented at a game this year – it can be a parent, grandparent, friend, sibling etc. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Lastly, I encourage you all to come out and support our band this Friday night at Braly Stadium as the Trojans take on the Falcons!

See you then!

Kristi Clark, MSHS Band Booster President
