Good afternoon MSMS Band!
Here’s what we have going on this week:
The 7th and 8th grade made progress on the Pep band music in preparation for our first Middle School Football game, which is on Thursday, August 26. We still have more music to learn over the next week and a half. I will share specifics about our first game next week. I’ve got to check on a few things before rolling all the info out.
Parents, with the amount of music that we are trying to learn in class, it is very important that you encourage your child to practice the music that has been given to them. At home practice is very good, but another option would be for your child to come to the band room in the mornings before school begins. I am here every day at 7:15 a.m. We have many students who come in and practice their music during this time. Mr. Waters is here with me, too. This will give your child a chance to potentially get some one on one time with one of the directors that he/she many be unable to get during the class time. If every kid individually works on their music 15 minutes a day, we would be able to do SO much more in class each day. Good things ARE happening in class, but we as directors know the value of individual practice.
Also, each 7th and 8th grader (except percussion, tubas will just need a flip folder) will need a lyre and flip folder by the end of the week. We will start working with them in class on Monday, August 23. The kids will need to get used to them before the game on the 26th. These are sold at Alabama Music in Florence or Counts Brothers in Muscle Shoals.
We will begin our Fall Fundraiser kickoff on Wednesday, August 18. Once our fundraiser rep goes over all the info concerning the fundraiser with the kids in class, I will recap everything on here. Be on the lookout for info about the fundraiser the latter part of the week. All band kids (6th, 7th, and 8th) will be bringing fundraiser packets home with them on Wednesday.
6th graders will start putting the instruments together this week. The brass and woodwinds have been using mouthpieces or “mini instruments” this past week. We will move on to playing out the Essential Elements Book 1 starting tomorrow. 6th graders are welcome to come to the band room and practice in the mornings, as well.
Band T Shirts should be delivered the week of August 23.
We have had a lot of folks who have paid the MSMS Band fee. Thank you so much. If you haven’t been able to pay it yet, it’s no problem. We can take a check or cash from you or you may pay online:
We had a good first week. Definitely looking to get more work done and building on top of what we learned last week.
Hope everyone has had a nice weekend.
Seay you all on Monday!