Good afternoon MSMS Band!
We’ve got two events left on our calendar for this 2020-2021 school year: Solo and Ensemble and our Spring Concert
The Solo and Ensemble event will be held at MSMS on Saturday morning, May 1. This event will include those students who have signed up to play. We have 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who will be participating in this event.
We will tell each participating child their performance time. They will need to come to the school at their assigned time. Mrs. Hood, Mr. Waters, and I will there to show them where to go. For each event, there will be a judges sheet that the students will receive from us. The kids will take that sheet into the room with them when they perform. Once the kids have performed all the events that they signed up for, they will be free to leave. The directors will collect the score sheets from the judges and we will discuss the results with the kids in class the next week.
We want the kids to treat this event as they would a recital. We would prefer the kids to be dressed up, looking sharp, when they go in to play for the judges.
Parents, this is not a performance which you will be able to watch. It will only be the kids and the judge in the classroom.
Everyone entering the school on Saturday will need to wear a mask, per MSCS guidelines.
This will be a great event for our kids. Many of them have been working on their music for the past few weeks. This will help them to grow as an individual player, which in turn, will help each group get better. For those students who receive a superior rating for their event, a medal will be awarded. (Gold – for superior solo, Green – for superior ensemble)
The spring concert will be Thursday, May 6 at the auditorium at Muscle Shoals High School. We will only have one concert this time, unlike in December when we had to split up the three groups (6th, 7th, and 8th) for three separate concerts. There will be no tickets for this event. Masks will need to be worn and we ask that all family members sit together as much as possible. The concert will begin at 6:00 p.m. with our 6th grade band performing first. The next group will be 7th grade and then the 8th grade will close out the evening.
We will let everyone know specific details about arrival times, where the bands will sit when they aren’t performing, etc. later on this week.
The 7th and 8th grade will need to wear their concert attire that they wore for their MPA recordings. The 6th grade will need to wear something nice: no tennis shoes, no blue jeans, and no t-shirts.
We’ve got plenty of work to do in class between now and May 6. Let’s get some good work done this week, band. Looking forward to it!
Seay you all on Monday!