Performance band recordings tomorrow night

The Muscle Shoals band program is ready to perform and record for you and for adjudication in the Alabama Bandmasters Association music performance assessments. These assessments usually take place at a University or other campus, but this year bands will record themselves and send to our state association for adjudication.

The MSHS symphonic band students will record from 6pm and the MSHS wind ensemble will record from 7:30pm. We hope to see you there.

We are not giving out tickets as we do not anticipate overcrowding for this event. We look forward to performing live in front of friends and family.

Again, just a reminder on what this “recording” session will be like.

When we start, a director will speak to you briefly about what is happening. The goal is to get the best “high quality” recording the students can produce. We might get that the first time we try, but we might not. We very well could record these selections several times trying to get the one “just right” This is definitely a benefit of recording rather than live. The audience gets to hear multiple takes of each one and experience the recording session as it’s happening.

Muscle shoals city schools performing arts organizations have not stopped performing. It feels so good to know our students are on stage this week in plays, concerts, recordings and competitions. It really is a blessing.

Wish the middle school luck tonight as they record their MPA at Grace Life Church across the street from the high school.

