Oh What Fun, It Is To Play!

I want to thank everyone who had anything to do with our concert last night. Students, boosters, parents, staff, and all our audience members either live or virtual. It seem that concerts and performances are just more precious and appreciated by all involved.

I prayed all day yesterday that I wouldn’t receive an email regarding new quarantines of band students. We already had plenty to deal with. At one point, I opened an email with over 20 students, but luckily there wasn’t any new band performers on that email. We made it through yesterday and now the praying begins for our middle school concert and students next week on Tuesday. I also am doing the same thing for our choral/drama program White Christmas later this week. Mrs. Bradford and her crew have put in alot of hours and deserve to perform and show their talents and skills.

Even after 23 years of teaching experience, part of all this feels very new to me. The middle school concert involves an element that has never been there for me. I now am a band “parent”, not just a band director. I will feel a new joy Tuesday night that I have never felt within our band faMily. I am excited and I am also anxious knowing anything can be taken away by covid at any time.

We are now preparing for our next thing on the horizon. Music Performance Assessment for both Symphonic and Wind ensemble, Winterguard staging camp and comps, and percussion ensemble comps in our near future. We will work hard like we always do until the last day we can’t.

Wonderful job students last night in all groups including our saxophone ensemble. I look forward to our next performance!
