MSMS Band Fall Fundraiser Starts Today!

Our fall fundraiser starts today! Each band student, 6th-8th grades, received a fundraising packet during class today. This packet has all the info concerning the sale: item catalog, info sheet (selling dates, turn in dates, make checks payable to, and how to set up an online account, etc.), and a prize sheet.

We are asking that each family sell 5 items to cover their fair share for this fundraiser. I have attached a form that goes over how the fundraiser will work. If you are unable to sell 5 items, please let me know ASAP.

Since the pandemic has started, online sales in just about everything have skyrocketed. There is an option for folks to buy online from the students during this fundraiser. That information on how to get it all set up is on the attached form. It starts with number 6 on the attached form. Our school code for Muscle Shoals Middle School Band is 9020.

Here is a link to the prize sheet. The kids were pretty excited about the prize options when I shared it with them today!

The cookies that this company sells are REALLY good, they don’t last long at my house….

If you have any questions about this fundraiser, please email me at or call the middle school at 256-389-2640

The turn in date for paper order forms/money is Tuesday, October 13.

Online sales will go through Monday, October 19.
