Good morning band faMily. It’s Monday the 14th and here is some band information for your planning purposes. I hope you had a restful weekend.
First, a schedule for this week with goals we hope to accomplish
Monday: 4th block inside music/choreography learning
Tuesday: 4th block inside, first time full band plays Malaguena together as an ensemble.
Tuesday night rehearsal 5:30-8:00 on band practice field: Learn ALL of the closer drill
Wednesday: Relearn drill, start putting music to feet
Thursday: Malaguena work continues, visit opener as well
Friday: Final show prep, Loading crew meet at stadium 3:30 to set up chairs
5:30 game call, to the stadium 6:20, National Anthem at 6:45
7:00 gametime, 8:00 Halftime show, 9:30-10:00 game ends
This Friday we play Athens HS in Football. This should be a very enjoyable and tough game for the Trojans. We will be sitting in the end zone for our final two home games. Keep in mind after this Friday, we only have one more home football game this season. The rest are away with a pep band. The show will be during HALFTIME for the rest of the season.
We will be keeping our eyes on the incoming tropical weather this week. Impacts are predicted later in the week. To early to make any plans at this point so please stay informed through this website/email/facebook pages.
Speaking of pep band, we will make our final plans this week and get an idea of our pep band instrumentation. Directors will let students know that this week.
Our two Special Performances of the year are coming up. We have invited our middle school band to perform on the 8th and we will have the University of North Alabama band as our special guests October 22nd. These performances area free to the public and we hope to have a good crowd there to enjoy them; socially spaced and masked of course 🙂
Snapraise Update: As of 7:30am this Monday morning we are at $23,593.00. By the end of today we will have surpassed our results from the past two years. We have received 437 donations and NINE days left in our campaign. Continue to drum up donations as we get closer to the end of 2020 snapraise.
A thank you for the work from students and the parents so far this season. We are making great progress as a program and we continue to feel better about things every day. We have achieved and met all the standards amid these crazy times, and we are beating the pandemic back with a tuba 🙂
To the students:
This week is Malaguena week. It’s a singularly focused 136 member group effort like no other. We have the task ahead of us and you have been charged with this goal to make it happen. We are stronger when we work together. Both staff and students will have to be on top of our games to make it happen. Lets put in the work and get the reward.
What if we don’t get it on the field Mr. Waters? …..well we do have a tropical storm coming in. At the end of the day if we don’t get the closer on the field, make sure it wasn’t because of you individual or group effort. Some things are still out of our control, but your effort and preparation are still 100% controlled by you.
SENIORS: This week on Tuesday night, I want you to grab your band uniforms from last year and take them home with you after rehearsal. Try the uniform on and bring them back no later than Thursday. Let us know how they fit and we will try to get adjustments made for you to wear them October 8 special performance where we will honor our seniors.
UNIFORMS: October 22 and October 24 are our final two home performances of the regular season pending playoffs. We have decided to have the students wear our traditional band uniforms those two nights. Band Directors, Michelle Banister along with other volunteer parents will be putting together a schedule for uniform fittings between now and then. FRESHMAN, shoes are an individual investment costing around $40. We order them for you and the band pays for them up front while students reimburse the band program. We will have a gentlemen from a local music store come fit all the students for their shoes.
I have been very impressed with the communication from parents and students with absences and covid related information. Thank you so much for keeping us informed and continue to do so. Please make sure if you send an email with information you send to both Mrs. Hood and Mr. Waters.
As we continue to move forward through this year, I encourage you to find opportunities to help one another in any way possible. Our inner circle of friendships and faMily are becoming more important as divisions outside our world become more prevalent. Today it’s easier than ever to find a “cause” or a “fault” to divide you even further away from each other. TOGETHER is the only way folks. Together we are stronger.
There is never a bad time to do a good thing.
I will continue to preach to my dying days that putting the needs of others ahead of yourself IS the key to happiness. Make a choice to be happy…..and help one another.