This week is homecoming which adds to our band work. We will learn Can’t Take my Eyes off of You and a homecoming set. We will work a little on our show but we also must work on Malaguena. Our plates are full and we are happy with it.
Call for homecoming pep rally is 6:30. We will walk to the stadium together and sit in the back stands facing the audience. Friday’s game call is same as last week 5:30pm
This week our COROZON show is pregame. We will perform then march to our seats to play the National Anthem. If you did not have a flip folder or music lyre last week please remedy that before Friday.
Pep rally dress is our band T-shirt not polo.
we MUST get the closer on the field next week. Practicing and memorizing the music is an absolute must.
Dont forget the extra Tuesday night rehearsal planned for next week. 5:30-8:00pm.