Good morning
Here is safety logistics we will follow next week for auditions. Please read carefully and follow these instructions.
Monday; trumpets and clarinets, Tuesday percussion and trombones, Wednesday flutes, horns, baritones and tubas, Thursday all saxes and low reeds.
You will park out front and come through front doors. You must wear a mask. You must register at the table first. A director will ask you a series of questions and check your temp. If you have a temp over 100 you will be sent home. You will walk to your designated room told to you at the table. Once at your seat assemble your instrument and begin practicing. Only at that point may you remove you face covering. All chairs will be 8 feet apart and sanitized prior and after.
A director will call you to come in to audition. We anticipate 15 minutes for each audition. Once you are finished you must put your instrument back in your case and leave promptly. There is no congregating inside the building at all. You must use your face mask as you depart the building. Do not go anywhere except your designated areas. We will not be using band lockers and we ask you not to touch anything as we must disinfect everything and everywhere. Leave with everything you brought with you.
It will be at least 10 days at the earliest before we post wind results. Percussion results should be posted sooner.
we have no idea how to anticipate the length of these auditions. Parents may want to wait in the parking lot or give your child a phone to text when finished. We do think auditions will take 15 minutes per person. If you have a need to go early we should be able to do that. Just mention to the directors.