MSHS Band Booster Meeting Minutes for
January 14, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 by Booster President Rebecca East.
The reading of the minutes from the November 12, 2019 meeting was suspended, and everyone was given a copy of the minutes to read. The minutes were approved by Kristi Clark and seconded by Tianna Brooks.
Amanda Stewart gave the treasurer’s report ending in December 2019. We have a balance of $53,700. We made $35,000 at TVI and only spent around $12,000. We have about $8,000 in outstanding purchase orders, but some of these are just open purchase orders. The report was approved by Heather Foster and seconded by Tianna Brooks.
New Business:
Rebecca East:
If you would like to be an officer, think about it and let Rebecca East know in the next month or so.
Little Miss Trojan (a big fundraiser for us) is February 29. We will need help with taking up money, working with the girls backstage, hospitality, etc. We will also need a few parents to help on the practice nights the week before the pageant. We have a facebook page about the pageant and would appreciate you sharing it with your friends.
Mr. Waters: Dates for Upcoming Events
- January 25- we will host All State Auditions. We will need hospitality workers. Please sign up to work in the registration room in the cafeteria. We can not use students to work registration. Training for working registration will begin at 7:30 that morning. It will last about 20 minutes and then you will start. We will need about 16 parents to help and you should be done around lunch time. Please sign up to help us with this! We will put a sign-up sheet on the website.
- February 3 – our next booster meeting. We will be discussing regular business, our mattress fundraiser, Little Miss Trojan, and our trip to Hawaii. We need as many people at this meeting as possible. Please make plans to attend this important meeting!
- February 4-Shoals Area Honor Band Auditions-This music is in the band room and you can also get this to practice for new chair test.
- February 14-15-District Honor Band in Russellville
- February 29-Little Miss Trojan
- March 2-Combined concert with Wind Ensemble and UNA Ensemble-probably start around 7:00.
- March 3-5-MPA at Florence High School
Closing: Rebecca East
Thank you for coming and we will see you next weekend at All State Auditions. Tianna Brooks passed out door prizes.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:35. This was approved by Nathan Willingham and seconded by Kristi Clark.