Happy New Year!

Happy New Year MSMS Band! 2020 is here!

Here is some new info for our 7th and 8th grade band members.

8th grade – Each 8th grade band member will need to acquire new concert attire before our next performance in February. This is what we call “Concert Black”. Mrs. Hood has made a “Prezi” presentation that gives all the info for both boys and girls. It includes pictures of what would be acceptable as well as what would be unacceptable attire. Here is the link to that presentation: https://prezi.com/view/dagbMO5hGeTNCD8Suzao/

The girls will need a black dress (see presentation for examples) and the boys will need a white, long sleeve, button down shirt and black dress pants (see presentation for example). Both boys and girls will need black dress shoes. The boys will wear a red neck tie, which we will provide for them.

This concert black attire gives us a professional look. We started it with the 8th grade in 2018-2019 and it worked very well. If you have any questions, please contact me.

7th grade – Each seventh grade band member will need to acquire a pair of khaki pants. We will be providing black polos for these students. This will be their concert attire for the spring.

SPRING TRIP – The next deposit for the Spring Trip to Atlanta is due on January 29. It will be $55 for students in a student room and ⅓ of remaining balance for parents. You can send a check with your child to school or pay online. There are two remaining payment dates after the one in January: February 26 and March 25. Please refer back to the Trip Info Form in the downloads section of the MSMS Band website.

All State Tryouts – Students who are trying out for All-State, the date is near. January 25 is the date of the tryouts. SCALES SCALES SCALES. Run your pieces, then run SCALES SCALES SCALES!

Our next performance for all three grades (6-8) will be in February. Our winter concert is scheduled for Thursday, February 20. Both 7th and 8th graders will need their concert attire by then. We will let 6th grade know what their dress will be as we get closer. It will be similar to what they have worn to concerts earlier in the year.

Jazz Band will not meet next week. We will reconvene on Monday, January 13.

Welcome to 2020! The spring semester is full of performace opportunities for our students. Can’t wait to get started.

Seay you all on Monday!
