2019 MSMS Fall Fundraiser Information
Students and Parents,
It is time for our annual fall fundraiser! We have had much success in the past with our sale and we hope to continue that this year! We have a great line of products available to you, your family, your friends, and your co-workers. Please look over the information provided and let us know if you have any questions!
• Fundraiser Kick-off on Monday, September 30, 2019
• Orders can be placed until Wednesday, October 16, 2019
• Orders must be paid for before the order will be placed. Checks should be made to Muscle Shoals Band.
• Items are generally returned around 3-4 weeks after orders are received. This would have our items in hand mid to late-October. We will have an exact delivery date closer to that time.
• Prizes will be available for each student who participates – including top seller prizes!
• *The order form does contain a carbon copy – turn in all three sheets!
Fair and Equitable
The band program at Muscle Shoals Middle School’s primary sources of revenue are band fees and fundraisers. The Band Booster organization and school system gives us a small allotment to help defray the cost of running the band program as they are able. The costs of running the program at the level you have come to expect are high. The band is in need of new instruments, repair to older instruments, new music, technology, etc. We have a policy that we call “fair and equitable.” That means that everyone is responsible for helping us in our fundraising efforts. We ask everyone to be responsible for 10-12 items. If you cannot sell during the fundraiser then your part of the fair and equitable cost is $50.00 due by the end of the fundraiser. If you sell less than 10-12 items we would ask that you contribute the remaining fair share– if you need help figuring out what the split would be please let us know. You can write a one check for this amount or you can sell as many items as possible. What we can do for our program this year depends upon everyone doing their part! We only ask that everyone try to do their part so that all students can benefit. If everybody does a little, no one has to do it a lot!
Families with more than one child in the band program (high school or middle school) are only expected to contribute one fair share but are encouraged to sell as many items as possible.
Thank you for your support of the MSMS Band program!