Good afternoon everyone. I hope this finds you doing well.
I want to talk to you about a matter of great concern. It is about parent involvement and volunteering to help our band program as parents. Our program, as great as it is, is almost completely self supportive. The school helps where it can, but for us to continue to have the program and do the things this program is accustomed to, it needs volunteers.
All of us at one time or another have been in groups where we find ourselves doing most of the work. It feels terrible and just isn’t fair that some do more than others. The good news is most likely you have leadership skills and are the kind of person that is going to make sure things get done. That is pretty much how I describe our booster organization. It does what is right and stops at nothing to make sure our kids have what they need to be successful.
However, even though things get done, it’s often the case that some do a lot, a lot do some, and others do nothing at all. The boosters are completely volunteer based and it relies 100% of the good natured souls who are willing to give their time and energy, when they can, to do what is right and get the job done.
If your child is in the MSHS band program, they benefit directly from the wonderful volunteers of our booster organization. I would hope all our parents would feel a desire to help our boosters help our kids, even if it is in a small way.
One thing the booster organization does is keep our band fees from being higher. I did some research lately after talking with the gadsden music rep when he asked how much our band fees were for the high school. He was astonished. Our fees are $200-$1000 less that bands equivalent to us. It is because of one group………the band boosters. They raise money to pay for all the things these other organizations have to pay for through the parents pocketbook.
The boosters do not ask for your money…………… they just need a little bit of your time. We have AWESOME leaders who know how to raise money efficiently using as little of your time as possible.
Here is a link to our concession volunteer page (it is also at the top of the website under booster/volunteer). Please look down the list, find the dates that work for you, and please sign up to work one night. We are currently quite short on on some dates. We know your time is valuable, but please help us.
Bottom line, we need your help. Please sign up today. Thank you