7th and 8th Grade Band Info for the First Day of School!

You will not need to bring instruments on the first day of school (whether you come Thursday or Friday)

We will be going over the safety protocols, Google Classroom, the band website, and general info you all need to know for the fall semester.

The doors to the middle school will not be opened until 7:30 a.m. This includes the bandroom. I know we have normally had individual practice time in the mornings before classes began. We will be unable to do that until further notice. Once you enter the school, you will need to go straight to your homeroom or go get breakfast from the cafeteria.

Once we are able to get back into the bandroom to practice in the mornings, I will let you know. For many of you that was a great time of practice.

You will be assigned a seat in the bandroom once you enter. Mrs. Hood, Mr. Waters, and I will show you where to go.

We will go over everything else in class tomorrow and Friday.

Make sure all of you have a mask when you come to school!

It’s been TOO long, folks! Can’t wait to SEAY you in the morning OR Friday!
