4th block instructions for band, every day except Wednesday

Good Tuesday afternoon band faMily.
The directors have talked and would like to use the exact same plan we used at the start of the school year when we had the one week of hybrid classes. Full Band on all days except Wednesday. It’s simply impossible to have band with only half and mixed instrumentation.

We will NOT meet on the Wednesday of hybrid weeks. So full and on Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday while on the hybrid schedule.

So to reiterate, we will meet this Thursday and Friday January 7-8, Monday and Tuesday January 11-12, skip Wednesday, the. Meet again Thursday and Friday January 14-15. If hybrid for some reason continues we will continue this schedule.

We would like to start band at the downbeat of 2:00. This gives you a little time of you have to drive farther distances.

Percussion ensemble and Winterguard after school practice schedule remains the same without any changes.
