Hello band faMily!
We know that the days are getting busier as we are quickly nearing the end of this school year. Together with the Band Booster leadership, it was decided we would make the April Band Booster meeting completely virtual – meaning, if you will click the link below…you can “watch” the meeting, hear about the upcoming schedule and vote for our Booster officers for the coming 2021-2022 academic year.
Please watch the entire meeting (18minutes) AND download and review the typed agenda. It includes volunteer needs for our pageant fundraiser, dates for this spring, summer and next fall. https://msband.org/meeting/
If you have any questions, contact me (dwaters@mscs.k12.al.us) or Melissa Medlin (melissa.medlin@gmail.com).
We hope you enjoy this flexible way of participating in our booster meetings.