3/1 From the Podium

Good morning everyone. Hope your Monday is going well so far. Spring is around the corner and we are all ready for some warm weather.

Spring time always brings with it a “Newness”, a chance to begin again. This is so true for our band program. We are in the midst of students creating their schedules for next year and our band program is making plans for 2021-2022. The closer we get, the more exciting it becomes. The future is right in front of us, and we need to be ready for it. This is too important to not be prepared. The band program is prepared and ready!

Two quick announcements about 2021, marching band competitions are returning. That in itself is enough to get really pumped up!

Important dates and performances:

Tuesday, March 16th, MPA recording concerts

Parents, you are invited to attend our recording performances for our Music Performance Assessments. We want to make this feel as much like a live performance as possible, without the extra crowd noise of course 🙂 At 6pm, our Symphonic Band will do their recordings and at 7:30pm our Wind Ensemble will do their recordings. Unlike a normal concert, the bands will record their performance TWICE. So you get to hear everything two times 🙂

For those of you who have middle school kids, their recording date is Monday, March 15th. It will take place at Grace Life Church. 6pm 7th grade and 7:30pm 8th grade.

Winterguard and Percussion Ensembles:

Each group has a contest this Saturday in at Thompson High School in birmingham, then March 20th they each perform at Championships at Bob Jones High School in Madison, Al.

These groups will also do “recordings” on Tuesday, April 6th in our High School Gym. Guard has the gym reserved from 5-7pm, and the percussion is reserved 7-9pm. We will record during those times. Spectators are welcome.

Live Spring Concert! A NIGHT AT THE THEATRE!

We are getting excited about our Spring Concert on Tuesday night April 20th. The band will combine for this concert into one large ensemble. This will be as enjoyable a spring concert that you have ever attended. All MOVIE MUSIC is planned, and some of your favorite soundtracks from some of your favorite movies will be performed. We hope to have as much fun at this concert as we have had in quite some time. You won’t want to miss it!

Future dates and planning:

MARCHING BAND CAMP; JULY 19-23, and JULY 26-30 (These dates are mandatory for the marching band)

Marching band summer rehearsals: July 6th, 8th, 13th, and 15th 5:30-7:30

These summer rehearsals are mandatory for all students not on vacation. They will be used to learn music, introduce marching fundamentals, and learn aux choreography.

October 16th, TVIMC; this is our very own marching contest we host. It is our single biggest event on the calendar every year. All hands on deck for parents and students.


On this day, the MSHS band will compete for the third time in state marching band championships. We have finished as Champions in 2018 and runner up in 2019. We are excited to go back!

Other Performances and events:

Tuesday, May 11th BAND BANQUET

May 18th, Junior/Senior recital



April 7-9 Jazz band Auditions 4th block

April 5-9 Majorette auditions and clinic week

April 12-16 Colorguard auditions and clinic week

May 3-7 Marching Band Percussion clinics, auditions May 10

May 3-7 Drum Major auditions and clinic week (leadership camp)

May 3-7 Marching Band wind auditions during 4th block
