Franklin High School “SONIC BOOM” Competition  MSHS band schedule  Friday:  After home game,  load truck and trailer with all equipment Saturday:  11:30 school opens, uniform dress  12:15 depart MSHS  3:30 arrive at Cool Spring mall 4:30 depart Cool Springs mall 5:00 arrive, unload  6:15 warm up 7:15pm performance, load  8:30 concessions for dinner 9:30 awards, […]

Info for the Week of 9/27 through 10/1

Good morning MSMS Band, Here’s your info for the week! Chair Tests for 7th and 8th graders will begin this week! Our final MSMS Football Game of the year is Tuesday, September 28. There will only be one game that evening. The 7th and 8th grade Pep Band members will need to be in the band room, […]