Good afternoon band. Please read important info. First off, there is NO REHEARSAL AT ALL tomorrow (Tuesday) due to school closing. We will not rehearse again until Wednesday. Band member, our plan is to put the ballad on the field for performance this Friday night at Decatur. HOMECOMING GAME VS COLUMBIA has been CANCELLED! Columbia […]

From the Podium, 8/30

What’s our schedule for the next two days? Well……IDA know 🙂 While a tropical storm may keep us from marching outside, we are just gonna use it as an opportunity to get better musically. We have music to memorize in the ballad and closer, a few more stands tunes to learn, and we have homecoming […]

Bteam game moved to Tuesday Aug 31

I just found out that the Bteam game scheduled for tonight has been moved to tomorrow night at 6:00pm. We will need some parents to sign up to help tomorrow night. The students, who were originally signed up to work this game, will have rehearsal tomorrow night. Thanks! Kristi Clark

Show Shirt Pickup

Good morning! As long as the Bteam game is not cancelled tonight, the show shirts/polos will be available for pick up at the lower concession stand from 6:00 until 7:30pm. Current extra show shirt sizes: 6- large 4- XL 2- 3XL We also have an order with a few more extras in Medium-3XL coming at […]