Percussion Ensemble students read

Thursday, we will have our rehearsal dedicated to small groups only. If you are in a small keybaord group (not the bouncing ball group) we will rehearse Thursday after school.

Booster Meeting Minutes

MSHS Band Booster Meeting Minutes for  January 14, 2020 The meeting was called to order at 7:02 by Booster President Rebecca East.   The reading of the minutes from the November 12, 2019 meeting was suspended, and everyone was given a copy of the minutes to read.  The minutes were approved by Kristi Clark and seconded […]

mshs BAND BRAG, bare with me please

So, where do I start? I will just get to the point. We have kids that are go getters, smart, and way above average. The directors left last Thursday-Friday for our annual music educators conference. Luckily we have a student intern who covered classes at the middle school and taught the symphonic band 4th block. […]

All state auditions parent help

Good morning parents. This Saturday we host the district all state auditions. We need your help. all state auditions are the most serious of all the district ABA events. Over 400 students will assemble on campus to audition for the most prestigious individual honor our state has to offer band students. This will be the […]

From the podium 1/21-1/24

Good morning Mshs band.jazz band this morning and Thursday morning percussion ensemble and winter guard Tuesday and Thursday after school all state auditions are Saturday! Students last 4 days to prepare. Do not neglect scales! parents, we need your help this Saturday. We need volunteers to help at the registration table. If you can help, […]