From the podium: 4/6

Hello everyone! We hope you have had a good week so far. Just a quick email this morning to talk about this week.

It is that time of year where our band account is trending lower, and we need to finish collecting fees for the year. Although we wish we could do ALL that we do for free, that is not the case, and we need these fees paid in order to provide our students with the best possible experience. As a reminder, the fee for Marching Band was $325 and Concert Band was $125. There are different fees for Winter Guard/Color Guard and Percussion Ensemble. Charms accounts are fully updated and paper balance statements will be given to each student with a negative balance today in 4th block (*please note that April credit card payments have not been reflected, as we do not receive those records until the first week of May). If you have lost your login information to check your account please let me know. Mistakes are always possible in bookkeeping, especially with credits from cancelled trips due to COVID, so if you believe there is a mistake on your balance, please email me at, and I will take care of it promptly for you. We prefer these payments be made by clicking the payments tab on the home page of our website and paying with card; however, cash and check made to “MSHS Band” are also acceptable. Please get these taken care of as soon as you can. Even if you can only pay a portion right now, that will go a long way in helping us finish the school year. All fees need to be paid by the end of the school year. If there are any situations we should be aware of, please do not hesitate to reach out and let us know.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Kaylan Ricks and the entire Muscle Shoals Middle School faMily as they navigate such a sudden and shocking loss. It is times like these that remind me how blessed we are to have a group like band, so we can all lean on each other and help others through this difficult time. You Will Never Walk Alone.

Tomorrow morning, all three directors and 20 middle and high school students will be travelling to Mobile to participate in the Alabama All-State Honor Band Festival. This is a huge honor for the students selected and we are looking forward to a fun time learning good music, eating oysters, and visiting the beach! The concerts are on Saturday and will be livestreamed at this link:
