Happy VOTING and BAND BOOSTER Meeting Day!

Fellow Band Parents (Yes, that’s you, whether you have a 6th grade Beginner or a Senior in the midst of last high school marches!)

I want to extend a personal invitation for you to join us for a BRIEF but very IMPORTANT Band Booster meeting tonight, via ZOOM, 7pm. The polls will just be closing and we have all night to watch the results come in. I invite you to share a few minutes with us to gain insights about our upcoming events. As we begin to wrap up our marching season and enter Concert and All State season, there are updates that apply to EVERYONE! (NOTE: If you are wondering what we will share that could possibly apply to you, then that’s exactly why you need to join!)

For those who choose not to join via ZOOM we will also plan to stream via FB Live on our Band Booster FaceBook page. No matter how you choose to participate in this meeting, please know that WE NEED YOU! Your involvement is vital to the success of this band program.

Join Zoom Meeting:
https://zoom.us/j/92855932648?wd=bTlkanBScmRLajR1dkFEcW5TUWNVQT09 .

I look forward to “SEEING” all of you tonight!

YWNWA, Melissa Medlin, Booster President
